Thursday, February 12, 2009

Never Leave Your Partner - Part 1

As I sat with with my beautiful wife last weekend watching the movie FireProof, for the second time, one theme in particular caught my attention. At the very beginning of the movie, we were presented with the concept that a firefighter never leaves his partner in a fire. Now in some ways this seems intuitive but it is not until you put yourself into the midst of the fire that anyone realizes what they would do. Think about it, you are in the middle of a raging house fire. Flames are surrounding you on every side, the noise is deafening as wood is popping and snapping and darkness is all you can see for the thick black smoke. The heat is intense, unlike anything you have ever felt and it seems that your skin is beginning to melt and you are having difficulty breathing. Suddenly, to your left you see a small light, a way out, but your partner is out ahead or even worse is hurt and in trouble. Do you leave your partner and head for the perceived way out or stay with your partner and try to get out of it together?

How many marriages are ended because of the intensity of the circumstances? How many people walk out thinking it will be better for both of them or that there is no other way out? Over the next few blogs I want to discuss this analogy to help us all remember that love is a decision, not a feeling. One that is made daily regardless of the circumstances or intensity of the fire. Is it always easy? We all know the answer to that.

1 comment:

The Schindel Six said...

Excellent Zach. Looking forward to reading further as you continue encouraging in this area!