Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Traditions!!

I am sure you all can remember back when you were a child. Do you remember going to get your tree, decorating it, making cookies and fudge, and Christmas morning? Whether you were excited about Santa or old enough to just anticipate what you were going to open the next morning, Christmas Eve was always a great night.
I can remember going to my PaPaw's house every Christmas Eve. We would celebrated as a family and sing songs and open presents. Then right as it was time to go, we would turn on the TV to see the Santa report. We had to find out where he had been tracked on the radar and how long we had to get home and in the bed. I remember tossing and turning in the bed as a boy and telling my brother to be quiet so I could listen for Santa. The tradition at our house was (and still is) that Christmas morning was started with the "Hallelujah Chorus." This was played as loud as the stereo would go and was our sign that we could come out of our room and to the Christmas tree. When we heard it, the door flew open and we took off.
It is fun to think back and recall those special memories. I hope all of you spend time with your families this week. I pray that in all of the traditions and joy of giving and receiving that we all take time to remember the true reason for Christmas. "For unto us a child is born. Unto us, a Son is given."

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