Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Are You Making a List and Checking it Twice??

Okay this blog is not going to be about Christmas and Santa although I thought the title was appropriate. This is about a different kind of list. As we have been studying about parenting and disciplining our kids, I was struck by the fact that so many times we get frustated by the moment. It could be our pride, anger, or just total bewilderment but in the discipline moment we tend to forget the ultimate goal of directing them to the understanding that they have sinned against God and that they need to be reconciled to Him. In that moment, we tend to forget that the scriptures are "profitable for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." So here is my idea, why not start a sin list? This would be a simple list that has the sin (e.g. lying) with verses that you can refer to as you talk to them about the sin and what God says about it. While you have sent them to their room prior to the punishment and they are waiting and you are cooling down, you can refer to your sin list. How would your kids feel if Mommy or Daddy came to the discipline session with not just the paddle but the Bible?
Here are some passages that may help you start your own sin list:
· Ephesians 5:3-7
· James 3:13-18
· James 4:1
· James 4:4
· Ephesians 4:29

How about letting this season inspire us to make our own list, however, I bet we will have to check it more than twice.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

That's a good idea. And I appreciate you saying we could "refer" to a cheat sheet! In the heat of the moment, the Scriptures just might slip our minds as well.