Saturday, November 8, 2008

To Link or Not To Link???

Many of you may see that I have removed all of the blog links from this blog that are not a part of Union Grove Baptist Church & School. I am doing this for a couple of reasons.
First of all, this blog is designed for UGBC Homebuilders to communicate with each other and an avenue for me to communicate with you. It represents our ABF and church.
Secondly, I am not able to, nor do I want to police the other blogs to determine if the content appropriately represents UGBC. This is not meant to be a chastisement toward anyone's blog. I would, however, encourage you all to think about what you are writing and remember Who we represent. Many times we say things in print that we would never speak out loud.
I would also encourage you to pray before you publish your posts. You never know who might be reading them and your words should never hurt the name of Christ. We are not to be of the world, but we are in the world and are called to be salt and light.
Thanks for your understanding and happy blogging.


Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bev said...


This is a really good post. Thanks for standing up. Although everyone has a right to their own opinion, when it is connected to a church blog it should be the church's business. What they say is a direct reflection of the church.

I found a scripture today that I thought I should share. 1 Peter 2:17: "Honor all men. Love your brothers and sisters in faith. Fear God. Honor the King." In a nation founded on ignoring that last sentence, we might be tempted to treat honoring political leadership as irrelevant compared to the immediacy of our issues. But it is not. Our willingness to honor, obey and follow President Obama in the years ahead will say much more about christians than anything. The majority of critics of conservative christians do not accuse them of being wrong. They accuse them of failing to live up to their own standards of right. In this regard, Bill Bennett greatly impressed me with his reaction on CNN just after the magic 270 projection Tuesday night. His statement, and Senator McCain's, was a declaration about the man who was now his president and ours: "I will pray for him."
The last 24 months have felt in many ways like a historical microwave, quickly bringing transformations in race and gender that had never been so personified in candidates for national office. But the Clinton, Palin, and Obama candidacies were the product of long simmering political change. A person who says that there is neither "male nor female, slave nor free" should be excited about that. We who often proclaim that God works in history must now willingly say that God has moved in the present. For the future, the new president's problems will be too numerous to count. Our obligation is to pray fervently that President Obama will be the most successful president in history. Our civic duty requires no less. God has the same expectations for his people as well.

The Schindel Six said...

Hope it wasn't me you were referring to. :)

Love you all!!!