Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Heart or Behavior??

I hope all of you have been thinking about the lesson from Sunday morning. I know I was encouraged and convicted. Encouraged because God has given us a roadmap and a plan in His Word to follow as we daily strive to be a Godly parent. Convicted at the many times I am consumed with the behavior rather than the heart. How many times have I stressed actions and demanded obedience without worrying about what was happening on the inside. As a parent, sometimes I am satisfied with everyone seeing the nice shiny apples on the tree, without caring about how they got there. May we all begin this study with open transparent hearts, willing to change ourselves.
I hope you are all working on your "Digging Deeper" section of Chapter 1 in your parenting handbook. Also, remember that Sunday evening we are going out after church, so let Stephanie know if you can make it. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday morning.


Pam said...

Hey Zach! It looks great! It was easy, wasn't it? Feel free to link to my blog on the side bar there. I know that at least one other person in our class (Kimberly) has a blog, but you will have to check with her on sharing her link.

I am so glad we are going through Shepherding a Child's Heart, but I feel overwhelmed with homework between this and FPU! We'll get through it all, though!

KyleAmandaLogan said...

I am looking forward to getting involved in this new study.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the lesson on Sunday and have learned alot already. Love the blog idea!

Kim Harris